In compliance with the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th, of Data Protection
Act and the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21st, of development of the Organic Law of Data Protection Act, whose purpose is to guarantee and
protect, in what concerns to the treatment of the personal data, the liberties and fundamental rights of individuals, and especially their
honour and personal privacy, Infotactile S.L. informs users of this website that:
1. Infotactile S.L.
has adopted the technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the data, in accordance with the aforementioned regulations.
The Personal Data, sent through various Web page forms or by sending an e-mail, will be processed and incorporated
to the corresponding automated files, property of Infotactile S.L., that are duly registered in the General Register\r\n of the Spanish Agency of Data Protection.
In each data collection form, the holder is conveniently informed of the points envisaged by article 5 of the Data Protection Act.
In particular, we inform you:
That data collected for the registration of users on this site are used for the management of users of the website, ensure
the proper provision of the services offered through it (Classifieds, Forum, etc.).
That the data collected on the Web contact forms are used to respond to queries for tracking and
contact those who have shown interest in our services or products.
That data collected for the provision of the services offered on this website are used to perform a correct processing of the same and
for the management of trade relations between the two sides, including the issuance of budgets, delivery notes, invoices and receipts.
That the data collected on the Web contact forms are used to respond to queries for tracking and
contact those who have shown interest in our services or products.
That data collected for the provision of the services offered on this website are used to perform a correct processing of the same and
for the management of trade relations between the two sides, including the issuance of budgets, delivery notes, invoices and receipts.
That data collected for the realization of drawings are used for proper management of the same and, in particular, to get in contact with
the winners of the prize. In that case, you give express consent so your photo can be posted on our website.
In addition to the purpose referred in each of the above points, we want to indicate you as common purpose for all them to email you information about
pproducts related to the world of advertising and, in particular, for the advertising slogan and Web services by any means (electronic
or postal).
- 3.
The user may, at any time, exercise the rights recognised in the Data Protection Act of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. The exercise of
the rights can be made in the following ways:
Phone: +34 941 145 057
Postal address: Bretón de los Herreros Street, 6 (La Rioja) Zip Code 26500 Calahorra. Spain.
Los Usuarios pueden navegar libremente por el Sitio Web, pero deberán estar registrados para poder participar en los foros de discusión y otras zonas
interactivas del mismo.
Es necesario completar el formulario en todos los campos obligatorios con datos veraces, de manera exacta y precisa.
Infotactile S.L.
podrá proceder a verificar la identidad del Usuario y/o de los datos consignados por este. No obstante lo cual, los usuarios declaran bajo juramento que
los datos personales proporcionados son verdaderos y exactos.
Infotactile S.L.
no se responsabiliza de la veracidad o certeza de los datos facilitados por los Usuarios. Asimismo, Infotactile S.L. se reserva el derecho de suspender
temporal o definitivamente a los Usuarios en caso de incumplimiento de los Términos y Condiciones, así como también de rechazar solicitudes.
Veracidad de la información
Toda la información que facilite el usuario para ser publicada en el Sitio Web a través de sus diferentes servicios, deberá ser veraz, exacta, responsable
y en ningún caso en nombre de terceros. A estos efectos, el usuario garantiza la autenticidad de todos aquellos datos que comunique como consecuencia de la
cumplimentación de los formularios necesarios para la suscripción de los Servicios. De igual forma, será responsabilidad del usuario mantener toda la
información facilitada a Infotactile S.L. permanentemente actualizada de forma que responda, en cada momento, a la situación real del
usuario. En todo caso, el usuario será el único responsable de las manifestaciones falsas o inexactas que realice y de los perjuicios que pueda originar a
Infotactile S.L. o a terceros por la información que facilite.
Menores de edad
Para hacer uso de los Servicios del Sitio Web los menores de edad deben obtener previamente permiso de sus padres, tutores o representantes legales,
quienes serán considerados responsables de todos los actos realizados por los menores a su cargo.